An incredibly powerful presentation by an adoptive mom and dad to encourage other Christian’s to ‘help the orphan’ as scripture calls us to. Whether through prayer, sponsorship or adoption, there is something everyone can do.
In her post on WCC, Regina, the mom who made the video wrote,”So if it helps to bring a child home ~ it will be have served it’s purpose. Please feel free to share the link with as many people/groups as you think appropriate.”
kris says
I was blown away by that number, 143 million. Thanks for posting this…
The Ferrill's says
Yes, I read somewhere recently there are 4 million orphans just in Ethiopia. This is so convicting, as I go across the street to the store for some chips and cheese just to satisfy my craving….the money I spend on those nachos could do so much for someone else. Thank you SO much for posting this.
Cate says
Thank you for passing on this clip Stefanie. I will pass it on to my friends.