It’s time! Once again we are turning to the amazing Joe and Jen of to put together another fabulous website for our upcoming trip to Shepherd!! I am SO excited about getting it completed but I am having a hard time coming up with an idea of what name to choose for Shepherd’s site. Sophie’s is ‘Sophie Makes Six’ and Jude’s is ‘And Then Came Jude’ which both came easily. But I am really stuck on Shepherd’s site name! I’d LOVE any ideas you guys have… y’all are so much more creative than I am! I’d like to incorporate Shepherd’s name into the title, yet still keep it short… no more than 4 or 5 words.
Whoever comes up with the winning idea will win a Chinese Dora DVD. I bought a few when I was in China for Jude and they are really neat! They play in Chinese with English key words… my girls really enjoy watching them! I have one left that is unopened and it will go to whoever comes up with the best name for our sweet boy’s site ๐ Thanks in advance for putting those thinking caps on!
Colleen says
ok so I’m not very creative but I’ll put my thinking cap on…
Make room for Shepherd
Our path to Shepherd
ok ok back to thinking : )
Mom To Six says about…
“A Shepherd leads them” or
“We were led to our Shepherd” ๐
Tish says
how about
“Shepherd is the sweetest baby ever and I can’t wait to have him in my arms even if it means traveling to China in the hot, humid summer and sweating like a greased pig”
or is that too wordy?
shepherd’s path home
the joy of shepherd
shepherd, our joy
shep, shep, HOORAY!
ok…now my lack of sleep is showing….i’ll try to think seriously about this in the morning! glad you are doing another site. i first “met” your family through isabelle’s site. see how long i’ve been a stalker????
Anonymous says
How about –
“Smitten with Shepherd”
Leslie says
Lily would love this CD.
What about:
Here come’s Shepherd.
Shepherd…another blessing from God.
Making our way to Shepherd.
I’ll keep thinking also.
suez511 says
Blue Skies to Shepherd
Siblings for Shepherd
I’ll keep thinking on this!
good luck
lid 4-29-06
suez511 says
Blue Skies to Shepherd
Siblings for Shepherd
i’ll keep thinking on this one
good luck
lid 4-29-06
Chelley says
Bringing Shepherd into our flock
Suzy says
Adding a Shepherd to the Flock
Suzy says
A Shepherd for our flock, Our flock finds Shepherd,
Anonymous says
Here are a couple ideas off the top of my head….
Safely in (the)Shepherd’s Arms
Sweet Shepherd Comes Home
Lisa from Littleton
Ladyblog says
Join the flock, Shepherd???
Shepherd Joins Our Flock
Is it too corny?
(leaving for China in 3 weeks!!!)
JoAnn in NJ says
How about something Biblical like “The Lord is my Shepherd?”
Patty says
I love reading your blog, living vicariously through you! So how about: “Shepherd goes Southern” or “Struttin to Shepherd” or “Shepherd and Sunbeams” or “Shephards Scoop” or “Scoopin up Shephard” or “Shepards Scene” “Starring Shephard” “the chronicals of Shephard” “the Shephard surprise”……….ok just to get you started! Keep writing!
Kim says
ok, I’m not very creative either (and it is getting late)…but, how ’bout…
Shepherd’s Flock
Shepherd’s Fold
A Fold for Shepherd
The Littlest Shepherd
Finding a Flock for Shepherd
Finding Shepherd’s Fold
A Family Fold for Shepherd
I think I better stop…
Have a great night!
(waiting some more for Sophie Mei)
Michelle says
Oh, the others are so smart. I like the ones that are religious based.
I really like Tish’s first one!!!
Brooke says
Shepherd’s New Herd!
Brooke says
Bringing Shepherd into our Herd.
Anonymous says
How about God’s little Shepherd
Anonymous says
“Forever with our Shepherd” or “Forever with Shepherd” or
“To forever with Shepherd” or
“A Forever Family For Shepherd”or
“Forever a Family With Shepherd”
Heather =)
Staci says
The site could simply be called “Loving Shepherd” as a reference to the One who is bringing Shepherd home to his new, wonderful family.
You could have a subtitle with the following words of this hymn:
“Loving shepherd of thy sheep, Keep thy lamb in safety keep.”
Anonymous says
The first thing that came to mind was:
Shephard Leads Us Home
Good luck — I am sure that whatever you come up with will be perfect.
Barbie says
I was wondering when you were going to do his website with Joe and Jen! I can’t wait to see it!!
Finding our Shepherd
Along came our Shepherd
I’ll keep thinking…
Mom to my China Posse says
Lets see
Shepherd Makes 8
Lead to Shepherd
Following the Lord To Shep
Welcome to the Flock,Shepherd
Ni Hao, Shepherd
Mom to my China Posse says
I thought of one more
Make room for Shepherd
Wendy says
I, too, thought of Shepherd joining your “flock”, so I like those suggestions
AnnaB says
Tish’s response was FABULOUS! I agree it “might” be a little wordy.
Making Smiles with Shepherd
The Shepherd Chronicles
Along Came Shepherd(kinda similar to Jude’s, I know)
Shepherd Shining
For the Love of Shepherd
The Blessing of Shepherd
Shanghai Shepherd (ok, that is really dumb ๐
I am SO not creative on these. It took me forever to figure out Sarah’s and well, you know that the title is nothing very catchy.
BTW, the term “war stash” is a joke. One of my girlfriends saw the amount of food I keep on hand and cracked a joke about where she was headed in the event of war. Hence the term. Other terms I have heard are food storage, mother load, big ol’ pile, stock on hand, and my personal favorite…the yummylicious pile of food in the basement. ๐ Silly huh?
Happy Thursday!
Colleen says
“Our Sunshine, Our Shepherd”
“Our Hearts smile for Shepherd”
“Raise the roof, Shepherd’s in the house”
OK so I’m not creative! What do you expect, my blog is called “The Nuthouse” : )
Patricia/NYC says
You know how much I love this stuff! ๐
A Shepherd Among Us
Following Shepherd
Shepherd at Our Side
Embracing Shepherd
Shepherd Calls Us
Shepherd Joins Us
Hmmm…will think of more! ๐
Anonymous says
Very clever ideas have already been posted. Many on the same theme, so I’ll leave mine out that would have been similar.
In Snuck Shepherd
Shepherd’s Slide into GA
Shepherd’s Soul
Shepherd’s Sojourn
No More A Solo Shepherd
Good luck picking one out!
mom to Lindsi & Jami
Anonymous says
Shepherd Him Home.
Trish says
Our tastey Shepherd Pie
Shepherd our cutie pie
I need to go grocery shopping…
Ladybugsmom says
How about “Shepard leads the WAY”
Ladybugsmom says
One more idea from me
“Shepherd’s new herd!”
Trish says
Song of the happy Shepherd
It is a poem by Yeats. I know probaly to obscur….
Holly says
Oohh, I like Ohilda’s- maybe you could shorten the one to “Lead (or is it Led?) to Shepherd”!
Good job Ohilda!
How about-
Pathway to Shepherd
Increasing Our Flock-Needing Our Shepherd
Blessed By Shepherd
Delighting in Our Shepherd
Footprints to Shepherd
Stepping Stones to Shepherd
Stepping Out in Faith for Shepherd
Faith Walk to Shepherd
Okay…. I’ll keep thinking too!!
Holly in NC
Joan says
How about:
Shepard, Lead us Home.
Sorry if this posted twice. I got an error the first time.
Lisa says
Shepherd him home.
Anonymous says
The Eighth Shepherd (as the eighth child yes?)
A Shepherd Among Us
Shepherd makes Eight
For the love of Shepherd
Home to Shepherd
Jenny G. ๐
Anonymous says
The Eighth Shepherd (as the eighth child yes?)
A Shepherd Among Us
Shepherd makes Eight
For the love of Shepherd
Home to Shepherd
Jenny G. ๐
Cindy - ccfaith5 says
Too funny, I went to bed last night thinking of names for your blog!
“NiHao Shepherd”
“Leading Shepherd home”
“Our Son Shepherd”
came to mind.
…waiting for our Chloe
Kelly O'Rourke says
Here are two more ideas …
Sweet Baby Sheperd
Our Son Sheperd
Sheperd’s Journey Home
I can’t wait to see which you choose as there are so many great ideas.
God Bless,
Kelly O’Rourke
randclan says
So mant great ideas! I read John 10:1-18 for inspiration. I came up with these:
One gate to Shepherd
Opening the gate for Shepherd
Our gateway to Shepherd
Andrea says
OK, I am so lovin’ “A Flock For Shepard”.
When I saw that one I was like- That one has Stephanie written all over it.
I can’t think of one better so I’m just going to “second the motion”
John & Michelle says
Our Families Shepherd or
Our Flocks Shepherd?
I hope I win!!!
* says
shieh shieh Lord for Shepherd
I’m not terribly creative but that’s my best shot. I’ll let ya know if I think of any others.
sara says
“Shepherd Heads South”
“From The South to Shepherd”
I have been thinking about this all day!! What fun ๐
The Giles Family says
“Adding Another Shepherd To Our Flock”
“Saving Shepherd”
“Shepherd Finds His Flock”
Shepherd,The New kid in the Flock”
(this was Sarah’s idea):)
Scott, Melissa & Kate says
I love “mom to six’s” idea of “A Shepherd leads them”!
Here are my ideas:
Every Family Needs a Shepherd
Shepherd, Our Little Lamb
Sweet Shepherd
Eight *Might* Be Enough (but hopefully not)
Flocking to Shepherd
Anonymous says
A Sherperd’s road home.
A path for Sheperd to follow.
Sheperd finds his flock.
Ashley says
You said in your post….”our sweet boy:)” so jumping off from that
Our Sweet Shepherd
The Sweetest Shepherd
Sweet Shepherd’s Flock
Led to Our Sweet Shephers
or completely different
Our Flock’s Flight to Shepherd
Shepherd Rounds Out Our Flock
Shepherd Joins the Flock
It is so wonderful of you to open up your adoption stories. I first found your family through myadoptionwebsite, while following my friend’s adoption…and am so glad to have helped bring Shepherd home – boy is he lucky!
Rebecca says
Shepherd’s Tale
A Pathway To Shepherd
A Family For Shepherd
A Home For Shepherd
Shepherd’s House
Scoot Over For Shepherd (alluding to that time you said we can all scoot over at the dinner table a little more – that one’s always stuck with me!)
Beloved Son Shepherd OR Beloved Shepherd
I’ll comment again if I think of something really clever. ๐
Elise says
I am not great with thinking up creative words like that but I can’t wait to hear what you have decided on!
Jie Jie to Sarah Lu & Chayah too says
How about
“From Seven to Shepherd”
Hmm…I’ll have to keep thinking! ๐
Truly Blessed says
“Led to Shepherd” or “Bringing Shepherd Safely Home”
Peter, Brooke & Olivia says
Here’s Shepherd!
Anonymous says
How about “A Shephard to Love” or “A Shephard of Love”
I also like the previous entries of “God’s Little Shephard” and “From Seven to Shephard”
Amy M.
Walker says
How about:
Bringing Shepherd into our fold…
Donna says
Shepherd joins the flock…
Anonymous says
Okay…okay….this might get your gag reflex going, but since everyone else is giving it a go…my submission is….
Shepherd of My Heart
Did you throw up in your mouth a little? Are you fallin’ off the old compooter chair? Are you calling Chris over to have a chuckle too? See what I mean? I LOST IT, GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I lost the mojo!
Love you…Looks like you have lots of good options. Love, Lis
Anonymous says
Just love your blog!
Our Journey of Faith to Shepherd …
Our Faith …. Shepherd’s Journey
Our Faith leads to Shepherd
Love leads to Shepherd!
Truly Blessed says
I just thought of —
Led to Our Shepherd!
Love the idea of asking for help for the MAW name — I’ll have to do the same thing when I do Ella’s MAW site!
Truly Blessed says
I need my brain to turn off. This is the last one, I promise…
Following our Shepherd Home
…after all, isn’t that what My Adoption Website is all about?
(Hope I didn’t inadvertently “steal” that from someone else!)
Diana says
The Good Shepherd:)
Holly says
Simply Shepherd
Following Our Hearts to Shepherd
And God Brings Us Shepherd
Lord Lead Us To Shepherd
Tish says
how about since you like things in even numbers, “Even with Shepherd” or something like that
MississippiZen says
I read this earlier and had to think on it for a little while … of course, one came to me as I was lying down to go to sleep ๐
Shepherding Him Home
Good luck with your choice!
mommy to a friend of Shepherd ๐
Kim says
You have some great one’s to chose from. Here’s some more…
Miles to Shepherd
Finding Shepherd
Shepherd Finds his Home
Shepherd Leads the Way!
I’ll also keep thinking.
randclan says
I second the entry by Lis, “Shepherd of My Heart” it could even be “Shepherd of our Hearts”. Great job!
You have so many good ones to pick from…super idea;-).
Cath says
I’m sure someone has said this one already…but at 3am during a milk run for my own China Cutie, I thought of:
Shepherd’s Crossing
Donna & Andrew says
Wow a lot of choices, the only thing that popped into my mind was “Shepherd’s Branch On Our Family Tree”
Anonymous says
Oops! Just realized I spelled Shepherd’s name wrong, really wrong. Don’t know where that came from. Sorry:)
Amy M.
Jenny says
Before I read any of the howdies, the first thought that popped into my mind was ‘Led to Shepherd’- and I see that others thought about that also.
I also like simply: ‘Our son, Shepherd’
Have a blessed Easter!
Anonymous says
You always have such fun contests…I love it!
How about…
“A Shout Out to Shepherd”
“Sunshine, Smiles and Shepherd”
“Shepard…Sweet Shepherd”
Sending hugs to your family!
Julie K.
Kourtney says
How about,
“Shepherd, Our Little Lamb”
Anonymous says
Ok, I just HAD to jump in here and say that this is just too fun! Stefanie, I don’t know how on earth you are going to choose . . . there are some amazingly sweet and creative people out there! As you can imagine, Joe and can’t WAIT to create this very, very special website for you!!
Karissa says
How about,
“Led by the Shepherd, to our Shepherd”
kris says
I’m sorry… did you get 76 comments on this??? Holy cow woman!!
My fave so far is “The Littlest Shepard”… ๐
I’ll try to think of some, but I’m so not good at this!
kris says
Also LOVE “Shepherd of My Heart”- didn’t gag or vomit at all, it’s so simple and beautiful.
Didn’t read all 76, so I might be repeating myself:
Shepherd’s Way
Our Little Shepherd Boy
Shepherd the Great Makes 8
For The Love of Shepherd
See. I kinda suck at this ๐
I’ll keep brainstorming though ๐
kris says
The Shep Life or The Shepherd Life
Along Came Our Shepherd OR
Along Came A Shepherd
still storming… so don’t even care about the dvd (though very nice of you), just having a blast with the name thing.
you know how WE are.
Krissy says
I hope nobody has said this one:
Wanting Shephard
Global Girl says
My vote goes to the poster that suggested “Smitten with Shepherd”
Holly says
Stepping Out for Shepherd
Growing Faith and Family
Simply Shepherd
Storing Up Treasures- Introducing Shepherd!
Expanding Hearts and Home
The Miracle of Shepherd
To Shepherd With Arms Wide Open
Embracing Shepherd
Monica says
“Shepherd’s Herd”
“Shepherd’s Post”
“Shepherd’s Flock”
Yeah, umm…Reese loves Dora…
Michelle says
Stef – I know this sounds so corny but I have been pondering the blog site all day…
I keep coming back to my favorite church song…”Like a Shepherd, He leads his flock gathering His lambs in His arms, holding them close to Him, safe to His heart….leading them home… my suggestion is….”SHEPHERD….LEADING HIM HOME.”
Blessed Single Mom says
Everyone has such fun ideas. I have to third A Flock for Shephard. That is the first thing I thougt of when I read your post. I also like Shephard’s Journey Home. Good luck with your choice. Shepard had a great family to come home to.
Julie – NC
Keara says
Bringing Shepherd Home
Shepherd Comes Home (I am not sure if it is already taken)
Shepherd in Our Hearts
Good Luck! And I love your site!
Anonymous says
Can men enter this contest, too?! Hi Stefanie, Joe here from myadoptionwebsite … Jennifer mentioned your contest to me this morning, so as a way to help me push through my Saturday morning run (in the snow) I did a little brainstorming and would like to propose, “The Shepherd Watch”. Can’t wait to create your site – – Happy Easter!
sara says
“Shepherd Takes The South”
“From Congee to Peaches”
Anonymous says
Hi. I enjoy following all your blogs Stephanie.
I see alot of people had similar ideas along the Lord is my shepherd thread.
Here are mine:
Leading us to Shepherd.
Shepherd joins our family flock.
After Shepherd, there is nothing we shall want.
A Shepherd leads us home!
Hope your paperwork keeps moving along smoothly.
Theresa, Mom to Kelly (age 5 from Jiangsu province)
Dale says
Sojourn to Shepherd
Spring (or Summer) Soujourn to Shepherd
Shepherd’s Sojourn Home
The Great Number Eight! (oh, maybe I’d better go to sleep now!)
that girl says
Keara says
Shepherd, Born in our Hearts
Susan says
Shepherd’s walk
Patricia/NYC says
This just popped into my head this second…with 94 responses, I’m sure someone already suggested it, but here goes anyway:
Led to Shepherd
Have you narrowed it down yet?
Anonymous says
How about
A Shepherd’s Tale
Shepherd’s Journey Home
Shepherd’s Song
Slices of Shepherd’s Pie (!)
I also like The Littlest Shepherd a lot… Good luck choosing, Stefanie!
Best wishes,
Mom to Mei Mei
Kimber says
what bout….Sheparding Home?
Leslie says
A Shepherd for our flock
The Thundering Shep”herd”, that is just a joke, I have been watching the movie We Are Marshall a few too many times!
Shepherd Leads Our Hearts to China…Again!
Sorry, I am just not very creative!