I am honored to have received the Honest Weblog award from Team Houston. Thanks, girl!
Here are the rules, ‘cuz I’m supposed to pass those along…
“When you receive the prize you must write a post showing it, together with the name of who has given it to you, and link them back.
Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in their content or design. Show their names and links and leave them a comment informing they were prized with ‘Honest Weblog’.
List [if you can and/or dare] at least ten honest things about yourself. And then, pass it on.”
Y’all probably already know way too much about me and the visual is probably still lingering of my cheap-bra-wearing granny shoulders. But just in case there is someone out there who wants to hear a bit more about this ol’ gal, read on. But consider yourself warned.
1. I have a super soft heart. I used to get upset with God for making me this way… crying over commercials, various and sundry roadkill… not pretty. Or fun. On top of that, I’ve been told I look really not-pretty when I cry. Double doozie.
2. I am incredibly sensitive. God bless my husband, he has to live with me. I am a slave to my hormones and there is one week a month that I am a nightmare quite challenging to live with. It is also during this week that I eat like I just got off Survivor Island.
3. I am naturally strong. When I was in 7th grade, I could bench press more than most of the boys in my class. I don’t think they liked that very much.
4. I want to live in China someday. Maybe for just a year or so, but I really do want to go there to live and help orphans in some capacity. And possibly stay for a while.
5. I used to cuss like a sailor. I dropped the “f” bomb like it was nothin’. Not anymore, though… thank You, Jesus. Now I love digging up some old school substitutes. A few of my favorites:
and the ever useful daaaang!!
6. I have a memory for random and useless facts. I hang onto tiny bits of senseless information. Forever. But fail to recall that my daughter is responsible for snack day on Wednesday.
For example… I remember in 7th grade biology learning about molecules. He said, “So on Thanksgiving morning, when you smell that turkey cooking in the oven, it’s actually molecules of turkey floating into your nose…” Take that fact and apply it to, say, changing a dirty diaper, or a big stinky fart, and you see why I don’t get a whole lot done outside of my brain. And why I don’t change poopy diapers with my mouth open.
7. I hate to watch movies. Not exactly sure why, I think I consider it a waste of time. Same thing with reading fiction books. Drives my husband and my kids nuts. I do sit and watch kid movies with them on family fun night. Well, most family fun nights.
8. I can’t stand to touch frozen things. Can’t stand it. The frozen food section of the grocery is agony for me. The more I know about sensory issues, the more I think it’s my little sensory thang I got going on.
9. I love to sing praise and worship music. LOUD.
10. The real reason I don’t spend a lot of dough on my lingerie is because my favorite kind of undies are just that. Cheap. I love the shiny, cheap-0 nylon and would wear it any day over cotton panties. And while I’m on the subject of panties, why are all the new fangled undies so dang small?? I mean, does anyone WANT to buy panties in an XXL? Probably why my raggedy grannies are still around… and in a size M thankyouverymuch.
There! Done and done. Now to pass along the love. Feel free to ignore this tag if you like, I just wanted you guys to know that I love how you keep it real, man! 🙂
Lisa at a motherlode
Amie at Heart-Smiles
Tish at 1st Time Mama
Patricia at Hip Hip Hubei (pw)
Kris at Tell-Her-This
Laine at Ferrill Bunch (pw)
Holly at Purpose Driven Life
Barbie from Moments, Memories, Milestones
and Miss Rebecca from China, Baby!
a Tonggu Momma says
You are too funny, Stefanie! So you remember most everything from biology class, while I earned a brick. Ouch! And I would truly love to live in China one day as well. Signs of Hope is one of my favorite blogs… gotta love Jacob and Carrie.
sara says
fartknocker? really?? I was a big fan of the f bomb too until Jesus found me and kindly asked me to stop!! LOL! You are too funny! And incredibly honest!
I can't believe your baby is TWO!?!?!?!
And by the way, I have the same China fantasy (& I have never even been there) The worship leader form our church just returned from living in Beijing for TWO years. The led worship at the beijing International Christian Fellowship (did you go?) And they trained Chinese worship leaders and other leaders from around the world. Neat!!
Anyways, I envision working at New Day in some capacity, cause it is SOO great and right there in Beijing 🙂 Maybe attending a little language school, getting immersed in the culture.
You never know, if the Army decides to downsize – we may be looking for a new career 🙂
Team Houston says
You crack me up!!
I agree about the undies :O)
I would love to live in China too for a short while.
xoxo Michele
Michelle says
Thanks for starting my day with a big ol’ laugh. You are way too funny!! And I am so with you on the undies issue. Although I must say that raiding my kids Halloween candy bags is definitely earning me an XXL.
Leslie says
I love reading your tags Stefanie. Your so darn funny!!!!
BTW…I still can’t get over the bra 24/7. Bless your heart!!!
Keisha says
Fartknocker! We used to use that until my son busted it out in church… little embarrasing..! LOL! But, totally funny!
Shelby says
Wow, f-knocker…I can’t say that word. Not sure why, just can’t say, can’t type it. I make my kids say toot or something that isn’t quite as disgusting as the actual act of, well tooting:) Can’t suss either. Not a Jesus thing…I never have cussed can’t do it. Tried a couple of times and my husband laughs at me. Have to disagree on the undie thing, but am with you on the movies and cold section. I am always freezing. I wear a sweater in the summer. Shelby
Patricia/NYC says
Stefanie, you really crack me up!! Thanks for this, girlfriend! I just posted mine.
We have a lot in common! I'm very strong too & would also love to live in China (we actually talked about it, Frank & I!) And my fake curse word of choice….SHEESH!
Love ya!
Rebecca of "China, Baby!" says
Girl, you know I never respond to tags… except maybe once in a blue moon… but I may have to cave on this one since it’s from you. 🙂
You had me laughing all the way through your “10 honest things”. You are a pretty amazing chick! Benchpressing more than the boys??? And yet incredibly sensitive! And I can’t even IMAGINE you cussing like a sailor. I did get a kick out of your “substitutions”. 🙂
We have something else in common, I have just discovered. We both hate movies. On those rare occasions when my hubby convinces me to sit down and watch one with him, as soon as it’s over I get up and go, “Well, THAT was a big waste of 2 hours!!” I’m so fun!
Lisa says
Okay, my darlin’. I wrote my post and it is scheduled to drop in 3..2…1…5pm tonight!!!! OOOOH! Thanks for the shoutout and the laughs….I love you, you little sensitive, merciful, strongasanox, big panty wearin’ sweetpea. LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU. 🙂 PS Might not be able to fit through the door at Thanksgiving as I cannot stop eating halloween candy. 🙁 Could Chris build me a ramp or something? Do you have a sliding glass door?
kris says
Oh girl thanks for tagging me, I have a huge weekend/week in front of me and pray I’ll have time to do this- !! I so appreciate you tagging me- but wow, you are FAR more interesting than I am!! You crack me up!!
Chenoa Nowlin says
Girl you are crackin me up!! I agree with the undies-I hate buying underware in xxL but if I want both butt cheeks in the panties it has to be that way these days!!
Amie@HeartSmiles says
thanks for the love girl.. even though I tease you about it.. I do love the love.
big Panties ROCK! And if pretender comes my way, I am sending them your way. whoop em up a bit, will ya?
And fart-knocker? really. LOL. This one makes me giggle. Will not be stealing this one to use. But I will laugh at you thinking about it!
Love ya!