There have been a few of you who have asked about grabbing the site button for No Hands But Ours, wondering exactly how to install it on your blog. First of all BLESS YOU for helping us spread the word 🙂 Secondly, you are so not alone in requiring a bit of hand holding. Rebecca had to tell me how to install a site button just a few months ago. She’s quite ‘tech-y’ that way. I tell ya, it really pays to have a friend in the blog redesign business.
Here we go:
1. Highlight and copy the code under the button you’d like to install. For your shopping pleasure we have the large button, for bigger blog sidebars… and then we have the smaller button, for those smaller blog sidebars. Just grab the code from under the button you want to install.
2. Head over to your blog and click on ‘Customize’ in the top right corner. If it says ‘Sign In’, then you’d better do that first.
3. Click on the ‘Add Gadget’ button and when that box opens up, scroll down to ‘HTML/java script’ and click it. When that box opens, paste the code in there and click ‘save’. And voila, you are now officially helping us ‘spread the word’, helping SN families bring home SN babies (and big kids, too. They’re all babies to me.)
And if you are like my buddy Kris and want to have a way for others to grab the code from YOUR blog (God love you, girl!!) then leave me a comment and I’ll give you the code.
Thanks so much for all the support we’ve received, I can’t tell you how blessed I feel when I see our little site button on a fellow mama’s blog.
Tammy says
I grabbed the gadget. Thanks again!
Leslie says
I’m going to put your button on my blog as well. What a great thing you guys have done. I can’t wait to sit down and read it word for word.
When I have time, can I send you are story???
It’s going to be awhile though…I’m still stuck on lesson #3 on Christi class…lol.
Lots to do.
Mom Of Many says
I love the site – and would love to someday share our story…Isaiah has Arthrogryposis and Jubilee (waiting in China) has multiple special needs…but anyway, I posted the gadget yesterday (and many have outclicked on it)…but would also love to have a way for others to also grab it…Here’s my email:
Thank you for working so hard to bring kids to their forever families…xo Linn
Anna 'B'anana says
The button is up at Party of Eight. Right on top. Still need to send you Sarah’s story.
Love you for all you do!
Mark, Rebecca and Sophia says
Just added it!
Blessed says
I added it, but it’s still too big. I think my side bar must just be too narrow. It cuts lots of things off. I don’t know why. It’s just a standard Blogger template.
Any techno-wizards our there that can help me with this?
connie says
Thank you for this resource! I’m going to try to grab the gadget and put on my blog!
Blessings to you~
kris says
yes, i’d love for people to be able to grab it from my site, that’s what i couldn’t figure out. i have the rest on there- that was no problem, i just wanted them to be able to grab the code! thanks!