Katy, who is a friend of mine through the ELISON project, recently received a referral for a little one from Ethiopia! She is a 6 year old with special needs and although Katy isn’t able to share pictures, I’m certain she’s absolutely precious. Please help Katy bring this little girl home by supporting her fundraiser here:
Stefanie (gosh, I LOVE that name!) is a fellow China SN adoptive mama who is working her way towards bringing home a second SN child from China. She sews beautifully and is raising funds through her incredible creations here:
And my friend Mandi is bringing home an adorable little guy through WACAP, the agency we are using to bring Vivi home. Please check out her fundraiser, she’s giving away a gorgeous Vera Br@dley bag in my favorite pattern: sherbert!
And my buddy Amy is raising funds for her new daughter’s orphanage. When they travel for Madelyn they hope to purchase diapers, formula, vitamins, medicines, clothes, bedding, and possibly even an air conditioner and a washer and dryer. Please consider helping them with their efforts, plus they’re giving away some awesome stuff!
And Desiree, a longtime blogger buddy, is fundraising to bring home their 6th child! She also sews beautifully… my girls have some of her lovely handiwork 🙂 Please check out her fundraiser site:
Mamma to 5 says
Can you add my sewing fundraiser?? The website is http://www.threadsofloveforjoshua.blogspot.com. We are headed back to China for #6 (third from China's sn's program) I would appreciate it!! Also having a special $5.00 offw/ free shipping!!
a Tonggu Momma says
Always excited to help someone raising funds for an orphanage! I'll pop on over there.
living4him5 says
Thanks again Stef!
Hugs and love,
Mandi says
Thanks so much for adding our blog to your post. I really appreciate it.