I’ve never done it before.
I’ve tried, oh yes I have. But never succeeded. Until now.
I posted every. single. day. in the month of November.
Sometimes even twice a day.
And, so far, I haven’t frightened every one away.
Ahhh, November. It’s been quite a month.
It has seen a total of five Sunday Snapshots.
And the organization and linking up of the ultimate Christmas List ’09. Three times.
Even better, the uniting of five kiddos from An Orphan’s Wish with ten new sponsors.
That’s my most favorite part.
And, evidently, this last day of November has also seen the defection of my header. I am hoping it just was too tired to show up for work today and will show up tomorrow.
So thanks for hanging in with me this month. After I got over the anxiety of feeling like I had to post, I really started to enjoy it. In a way, it’s like exercising: some days you just have to do it whether you feel like it or not.
Unfortunately, my hiney is tellin’ me it’s really not so much like exercising.
I told my hiney to be quiet. I’m trying to write a post.
Team Houston says
LOL! My Hiney is still trying to get its groove back 😉
xoxo Michele
Patricia/NYC says
My hiney is getting too big from cooking/eating all that YUMMY PW food!!! lol!
Hey, the new Peace tee? R.O.C.K.S.!! And I spread the word about it! 😉
sweet momma luv u says
You are great!! My hiney is going to be out of comission for another 1.5 months funtil I can be walkig around again and driving post right ankel surgery. So, maintime I am in cyberspace, doing Christmas cards, trying to get some doecrations out and up!
Can't wait for my shirts to come!!
: ) Jody
a Tonggu Momma says
You made it! Whoot! Whoot! And your rear made it, too. Although it might be crossing the finish line a few minutes after the rest of you. Heh. (And we've never met face-to-face, y'all, so don't think I'm being mean to sweet Stefanie. I'm just being my usual snarky self. And that's why she loves me.)
(Umm… you do love me… right?)
Staci says
I love reading your blog, it's one of the few that I must check. every. single. day. 🙂 I'm trying to get better with posting more often.. just as often as I can! 🙂
Kim says
your daily posts are a gift!
Shelly and Family says
Oh Stefanie – I must admit your site is one that I DO visit every single day (along with Sara's FB&FR) ~ I just can't get enough lol! I love coming here! So in my opinion – post away!
Just remember if it wasn't for your site…I would have never taken a part in the "my adoption" fund raiser (adding a donation & making some high bids) and I would have never been a part of SSS which I find is very exciting. So again – post away. I may not leave a comment every single day, but I am here….
Desiree' says
Love that you posted every day and sometimes twice!! Now we all need to get our groove back and start posting. It's us who educate and learn fro each other…so say no to facebook and get back to blogging!! LOL
Mei Mei s and Mayhem says
Way to go, I sooo need to get better at this. I love that you post every day and I love reading your blog!!!
My Hiney needs help for sure!!!!
disneyflybaby says
Stefanie – My name is Ann, and I stumbled onto your blog via another blog I am following. However, I know it wasn't an accident. We are traveling back to China in January (we hope) for our 2nd daughter who has a minor special need. She is two. Since I don't know how to email you directly, I was hoping you might be able to email me – disneyflybaby@yahoo.com. Our older daughter was only 8 months old when we traveled. I'm a little nervous since her sister is already over two…There are so many blanks that aren't filled in. Sorry, rambling. Thanks.
Robyn says
Check us out! We got PA yesterday and have our little munchkin posted on our blog! Hope to be traveling very soon to bring him home!