Nothing really post-worthy today, just a few tidbits to keep my mother happy.
Seriously, she calls me when I update the blog to talk about what I posted – did y’all wonder too what that floor shot was on my last Snapshot post?
“Oh that…” I told her, “it’s a worm hole! You know a worm hole because the floors are so old?”
“Oh, okay.” She said, “I thought it was some dirt, or something.”
Some dirt? Or something?
While we do get dirt, or something, on our floors regularly, that’s the sort of thing I prefer not to photograph.
Mom also calls when I don’t post. That conversation goes something like this, “Hey honey! Are you okay? The kids okay? Oh good because you hadn’t posted and I just wanted to make sure everything was okay…”
Believe me, mom, if something were wrong, you’ll know well before the blog grows cobwebs. Promise.
A few bits of news… I got my hair recolored today. YAY! My colorist said it should be longer and longer in between and, even better, it ended up costing just 1/2 of what the blonde used to cost. Bonus.
Was going to try to wait as long as I could, but when Sophie told me my hair was starting to “turn back” last week, I figured it was time.
It’s a bit bolder red this time? Not sure, just got home so I haven’t had much mirror time.
Like I ever really do. But sometimes I think that’s a very good thing.
And I had a conference with Sophie’s teacher today, too. Word is that Sophie is doing great, is well behaved, and right ‘on grade level’ as they like to call it.
The teacher also commented that Sophie had been incredibly helpful to a little boy next to her who was working on his a spider web for Halloween. The little guy has autism and the teacher was very touched that Sophie took the initiative to help him and was so patient in helping him. Now, that’s the stuff that matters to me so much more than grades. Gonna squeeze that girl a bit tighter tonight.
Also, Asher is finally feeling better. Realized – about 4 days into it all – that he had strep. Yeah, strep.
On Saturday night, he casually asked, “Did I mention that it feels like razor blades when I swallow?”
Huh? This is after days and days of regularly querying him about his symptoms, did he feel better, could I get him anything, and on. And on.
All he ever mentioned was fever, headache, stomach ache. Of course, looking back, I should have known. But I was painfully clueless.
So out came the flashlight…
Thankfully we got him on an antibiotic quickly and he’s starting to get back to his rowdy home-schooling self. I seriously love having him around during the day.
Jewel is doing great. Keeping me busy but in a really, really good way. Something about her makes me smile on the inside.
The kiddos had their first ride on the neighbors pony over the weekend, a 12 year old very well broke Welsh gelding. I brought my camera along and I will be posting those pictures soon, Mom.
I love you, especially for always keeping up with the craziness ’round here.
Rita says
And here I thought I was the only one blogging primarily for my mom. 😉
Kim from 3 peanuts says
I must haver really missed something…who is jewel????
Funny,my Mom and I talk about what’s on the blog too:) I think I’d have to stop posting for a very long time before she’d check on me though!
Rebecca says
My daughter, Isabella, is almost always so helpful with autistic kids. I love her dearly. My son is amazing too.
Joy says
I am glad you posted about what the floor picture was. I was wondering myself.
Jolene says
Going through the strep junk here too! Not fun! My 20 month old had a bacterial infection (strep LIKE but negative strep test) for several weeks, got the meds and BAM she came down with it again or maybe it never totally went away. But either way, she shared her sweet little germy heart out and now several of us are sick. Can’t wait to be DONE and DONE with this! ~Wave~ Hi to your mom!
Jaime says
Jealous that your mom actually calls you . . that is awesome that you have that support and that your children have that in a Grandmother. Sounds like everyone is adjusting well into their new schools or new non-schools. 🙂 Blessings!
CheezyK says
Three cheers for Sophie! A giving personality is sooooo much better than being ‘on grade level’.
Melinda says
Sophie is such a sweet, sweet girl. Confession: More than once, on a bad day, I have gone to the adoption website to read her story. It is just so touching, and I was instantly reminded of how you said she always tried to clean up after herself and take care of Isabelle. Amazing.
Hope Asher feels better!
And I was actually wondering about the wormhole too… I thought it was water/pop?
Patty Mears says
I thought it was molasses on the floor and couldn’t figure out why you posted it also? Too funny. Just love your humor and your blog. Such a neat family you have.
Aus says
Asher – dude – gotta be straight forward if you want proper treatment – k? 😉
As for the rest – that’s what I call living – and it’s very very cool!
hugs – aus and co.
Heather Peterson says
This made me cry. Living in China will make you miss those mama calls. It’s great that you two are so close!
Betty says
Thank you for keeping your mom and all of your fond followers updated. I love hearing of all the details of you and your family from hair dye treatments to strep throat! I worry,too, when you don’t post for a while and incidentally, I did seriously wonder about that mark on the floor. Thanks for clarifying! I was wondering if you were deliberately photographing spilt chocolate milk or something!
Deb says
Love your Mom and I miss mine so much… enjoy the constant badgering that only Mom’s can do…..You are a great Mom and daughter… I am sure that she was tickled that you wrote this post. love ….Love….Love your family. You are an inspiration to me… and I thank you
deb in virginia