I first read about this precious girl on the Down Syndrome Adoption FB group and was immediately smitten. And when you see her picture, I’m sure you’ll agree.
Those chubby legs. That black hair. Those pink cheeks. Oh my.
Now that we are home with our Clementine I have a huge soft spot for these very special kiddos. Before we met Clementine, I was so scared that I wouldn’t be capable of parenting a child with a developmental special need. But I can’t even begin to tell you how wonderful this journey has been. Clementine blesses our family daily. So I am praying for sweet Rosie, and that the Lord would bring the perfect forever family forward. Because she is absolutely precious in His sight.
Rosie was slow to gain weight and reach milestones when she entered the orphanage. At one year old the reason was discovered – an underactive thyroid. At that time she began to receive medication, and her growth and development have greatly improved since then. She is now 3 1/2 and her recent health check has shown normal thyroid activity. She is now a happy and chubby toddler.
Untreated hypothyroidism can cause growth and intellectual delays and little Rosie is definitely on the tiny side. Her very recently updated measurements are 75 cm and 10.4 kg. For those of you trying to do the math in your head, let me help… 75 cm is 29.5″ and 50%ile for a Chinese 15 month old and 10.4 kg is almost 23 pounds and 50%ile for a Chinese 2 year old (see height/weight charts here). Anyone interested in adopting Rosie would need to be okay with her petite size as well as the unknowns of intellectual delay, but the fact that she is growing and progressing well in her language and gross motor skills is wonderful!
Based upon the way she is described in her report, her personality has completely captured the hearts of those around her:
“At the age of 1.5 years, the child became to be a princess, and she sits in the rocking chair, and shakes her legs, and the rocking chair with rock with the rhythm, and she enjoys herself. When lying on stomach, there is her favorite toys, she will crawl to them and get them quickly, she can hold toys to play for a few minutes.
In March 2013, the child became more lovely, when meeting aunt she will smile, when found that aunt is feed other child, she will shout, it seems that: let me eat first please. But when comforted by aunts, she will not shout any more, and she will play her toys or shake her body.
At the age of 2 years, the child has richer facial expression, it looks likes a drama star, she has change every day, sometimes she will move on the blanket, sometimes he can out her hands into her mouth, sometimes she will bang toys together.”
Rosie is now 3 1/2 and is speaking simple everyday phrases like “mama”, “sister”, “grandmother”, “thank you”, and “don’t want it!” She loves to talk and babble with familiar people, especially her friends.
Her caregivers say she is very bright and interactive and describe her as “a lovely girl whose presence brings a smile to everyone she meets”. Rosie is a great imitator. She can point to her body parts when asked, especially her nose, and can understand and follow commands such as clap your hands, stomp your feet or shake your head. She knows the names of her friends and can correctly match the slippers to 6 of her caregivers – giving them to the proper owner.
Rosie is a big helper, and will happily fetch different items for her caregivers or put dirty dishes in the sink. She will seek out a friend or caregiver to play with, often tugging on their hands to get their attention. She loves to be held and delights in her caregiver telling her she is obedient and pretty.
Rosie can walk and run independently. She is able to reach objects placed at and above her eye-level and she loves to dance when the music is on. Despite the fact that she doesn’t like to have her face washed, she will wash it by following verbal cues and with a little encouragement from her caregiver. She can independently finger-feed and scribble with a crayon.
Her caregivers believe she can become independent in most activities, and that her communication skills will improve as she has opportunities to learn and express herself. Her sweet and affectionate nature already endear her to all those around her, and her caregivers expect that she will bring great joy to her forever family.
Rosie is in the care of a wonderful NGO called International China Concern (ICC) where is adored. ICC’s model of care includes small family units with 6-8 children and 3-5 consistent caregivers. This allows the children to learn about and experience relationships, trust and love setting a great foundation for future attachment. If you have questions about ICC, feel free to contact Erin.
Here are some links that may be helpful to those who are considering adopting or have adopted a child with Down syndrome:
Down Syndrome Adoption FB Group
Special Miracles FB Group
National Down Syndrome Adoption Network
Gigi’s Playhouse
Ruby’s Rainbow
Rosie is listed with WACAP, who is offering a $7500 grant to help cover Rosie’s adoption expenses. The grant is available for a family that meets the income grant eligibility requirements, and uses WACAP to complete the adoption. WACAP is open to possibly transferring her file for a committed family, but the grant would not apply. There is also a Reece’s Rainbow account set up on Rosie’s behalf.
Please contact Lindsey Gilbert at WACAP for more information about Rosie. If you have any questions you think I might be able to answer, relating to adopting a child with Down syndrome, feel free to email or message me on Facebook.