Jude and Shepherd played soccer for the first time this spring. It was really their first time to play an organized sport of any kind.
They were pretty excited about it.
I was a smidge worried, though. Neither had any experience beyond our back yard and both are on the *ahem* smaller side for their age.
Let’s just say, this mama has witnessed some cringe-worthy things in the sports world, and I didn’t want my little guys getting hurt. In any way.
I also didn’t want to scare them unnecessarily. So instead of voicing all my concerns, I just reminded them to be kind to everyone, play their best and have fun.
They did. And they loved every single minute. Except the bit when they were so tired all they could do was just stand and watch the ball roll past.
They had a great coach, too. He never raised his voice (I could take lessons) and focused on teaching teamwork above all.
They made some great friends and didn’t come home with hurt feelings (or hurt anything), even once.
That’s all a mama could ask for.
And, despite their team being the last one organized (for some last-minute parents), they dominated. Like, really.
Their coach even said he’s never had another team that won so effortlessly.
In fact, the entire season, they only had one goal scored on them. And they? Scored a lot. Jude even booted a few in – causing his mama to scream like a crazy person (see above on needing lessons on not raising my voice).
Not sure how to break it to them that if they play next season, they just might be on the other end of a 10-0 score.
But for today, in our little town, on the YMCA soccer team for 7/8 year olds, they are undefeated. Pretty much on top of the world.
The rest can wait.