We kinda like this place.
Especially me. And so, about once a year or so, I pull the mama card and make everyone brush their hair and put on real clothes and let me take a bagillion pictures of them.
One mama hen with all her babies, together.
This trip was precipitated by the fact that my biggest boy was home but would be leaving shortly for some summer courses at college and so, despite not having any time to fuss or prep, we simply went.
And, well?
It worked. Because we just did what we already do pretty well.
Run around, act goofy and have fun.
My camera and I were trailing behind, just trying to keep up with all the action.
And occasionally gathering all my babies to squeeze them into one shot, together.
Because when it comes to capturing memories, a mama’s gotta do what a mama’s gotta do.
Thanks, Sloss. You did not disappoint.
And the ice cream sundaes afterwards didn’t either.