Snow was predicted. But, here in the south, snow can be a relative term.
Down here, “snow” usually means a white dusting that melts before you can pull your boots on.
It also means that every WalMart is sure to sell out of everything except anchovies and pickled pig feet.
But on this day, we actually got snow.
Not only had it snowed by the time we woke up, but it snowed all day long – big, fluffy snowflakes – accumulating to more than 6″ at our house.
And so, we did what any good homeschoolers would do. We called for a Snow Day.
We spent the day packing snowballs.
Making snowmen with snowballs.
Throwing snowballs at each other.
Making snowballs into snow structures.
Feeding snowballs to our tiny flock.
And all the other million-and-one ways kids can find to do with a ball of snow.
It was the perfect kinda day to have a snow day.
Until next time, fluffy stuff. We sure enjoyed you while you lasted.