Yesterday was 3/21.
Also known as World Down Syndrome Day.
And I just can’t miss an opportunity to celebrate this girl…
and all the ways she’s changing our world.
It’s only been a few years that I’ve loved someone with Down syndrome, and felt the weight of this battle.
To raise awareness.
Dispel myths.
Shine a light into the darkness of ignorance.
To help others to see the incredible value in people with Down syndrome.
Seems that some people still think folks with Down syndrome are somehow less worthy.
And live lives that are somehow less wonderful.
And impact the world around them in a less-than-significant way.
Nope. No way.
It’s my honor and privilege to tell the real story about this girl.
And, in time, to help her share her own story.
In her own remarkable, valuable and oh-so-worthy way.
Watch out world. She’s irresistible.