Sophie has wanted a pet for years. Years, y’all.
But this girl is a planner. A thinker.
And she wasn’t going to just jump head-first into pet ownership like a crazy person.
She needed time to research. Gather information and experiences of others to best determine which little critter would be the perfect little love for her.
First she thought she wanted a rabbit.
Then she thought she wanted a hedgehog.
Then she thought she wanted a guinea pig.
Then she considered a bearded dragon, a chinchilla, and a sugar glider.
And then she came back to a rabbit.
In her research, she located the name of a rabbit farm less than an hour away. And she honed in on their facebook page, which listed each individual baby bunny available.
Less than a week later, we were standing on that little bunny farm, picking out a bunny for Sophie, and a bunny for Vivienne (who had recently joined Sophie in her quest for a pet).
Sophie chose a tiny, harlequin Lionhead girl out of a litter of six.
And Vivienne chose a spunky, only-child Dwarf Netherland, Dutch mix girl.
Neither should grow to weigh more than five pounds at maturity.
Both are going to be absolutely, positively adored.
Welcome to the family, Mochi and Sushi.
We hope you love it here.
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