We went to the beach, again, yesterday. It’s the one place we are all able to find something to do, something to enjoy. And just spend time together. I’ve got about 1.39 million pictures from the last few days, but I thought these were really fun. They make me smile. And, because I’m no longer 14, and could never do… Read More
botany bay
One day we ventured off our little stretch of beach to a local area known for it’s beautiful shells. It was a bit of a hike. We made sure to arrive at low tide, to see all the most recent waves had washed ashore. Pails ready for our, as yet, undiscovered treasures. Turned out that there were no sand dollars,… Read More
Just to keep everyone in the loop, we’re not actually at the beach anymore. We’re back in Atlanta, wreaking havoc hanging out at my sister’s house. The beach had many things:Sand.Waves.Tranquility. The beach did not, however, have internet. Which meant we spent less time staring at a computer monitor, and more time staring at this… But we’re back in civilization… Read More
the beach. day 1.
best friends and barbeque
A pictorial of our outrageous dining experience at a Nashville bbq joint called Jim and Nick’s:I left out the pictures of the ribs, because well, I’m just thoughtful that way. In our short time together, we managed a lot of talking, and even more laughing. And even more eating. According to my husband, bbq is serious business. But for us… Read More
the beach. the last day.
the beach. somewhere in between.
movin’ down the road
Yes. We are all alive. And even, I might add, well. We arrived at my sis’ house on Monday night… laaaaatte… because we were able to meet one of my dearest friends, Lisa, in Nashville. She and her family are in the process of moving across the country as well and we happened to cross paths in Nashville, at a… Read More
Ol’ Smoky
Okay, we weren’t really up on Ol’ Smoky, but I can’t remember the actual name of the mountain we climbed. So Ol’ Smoky it will be. It was a beautiful day, nice and cool. Which equals good for doing something that might cause sweating. ‘Cuz I don’t like to sweat any more than absolutely necessary. We were well prepared, as… Read More
day at the lake
Another day in the mountains. Another day to bring along the camera. We ventured to a local lake, that is surrounded by a beautiful hiking trail. As we made our way around the lake, I stopped to take pictures of things that struck my fancy. After all, it was my birthday and all. If I can’t jump on a jet… Read More