Pictures of this crew can be tough to capture some days.
More often than not, every one of them is running in a completely different direction.
They’re pretty much stuck.
And, almost always, they’re happy.
My kids really really love the tub.
And I’m hoping their blind love for bubbles, tub toys and raisin-y fingers is not a bad thing.
Because when the kids are happy, mama’s happy.
Shonni says
Yes, it does make some pretty cute pictures!
Virginia says
Yep, there's not much cuter than a little'n enjoying a bath..except maybe a whole bunch of little'ns enjoying a bath =)!
Courtney says
I have to agree, it does produce some pretty cute pictures.
Shay Ankerich says
We Love bathtime too! Great pics of your adorable kiddos!!!
Super Mommy says
Scrub-a-dub-dub…look at all those cuties in the tub! How many bathe at a time at your house?
My girls will stay in the tub for an hour, if I'd let them!
Barbie says
Do you have any advice on how to keep the water IN the tub? Please tell me you do!! I dislike bathtime so much because of this issue. Hannah and Ryan are CRAZY when they are in there. Crazy I tell ya!!
Kim says
I love bath time photos!! To cute!
Wanda says
Yes, it does. And these are some of the cutest I've seen!
Annie says
Yep, the bathtub is a wonderful place for kids and Momma's, just not at the same time:):)
a Tonggu Momma says
Love these! And slightly jealous because the Tongginator is not allowed bubble baths. *grin*
Sophie says
Bath time is definately fun time and these pictures are so darn cute!
Karin says
VERY cute pictures! Your girls are so adorable. Good idea to take tub pics…I might try it if I want to take the risk of my camera getting wet. 🙂
Michelle says
Some very cute pictures, indeed!
Shanti says
yay for bathtime!! i agree–having them trapped for a few moments is nice. =)
Tara Anderson says
I love bathtub pictures!!! In fact, I have a 5X7 of Eva in the tub (about 1 year of age) with lots of bubbles on her head sitting on the mantle in my living room. It's my favorite picture ever of her!!!
Kristi says
That is one cute tub full of kids!